Sing-a-song of Har-money Launch of Our Voice Community Choir

Published by Disability Nottinghamshire on

Disability Nottinghamshire, a registered charity promoting the independence and choice of all persons with disabilities and impairments, has received a funding boost thanks to players of a charity lottery.

Disability Nottinghamshire was awarded £9,228 by the People’s Postcode Trust, a grant-giving charity, funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

The organisation will use the money to establish ‘Our Voice’ Community Choir.

The project will unite people through music and showcase the potential of people with disabilities, raising public awareness of the skills and abilities of people with disabilities, increasing social capital within local communities, and supporting the development of stronger social networks. The choir will be fully inclusive, regardless of ability and will be open anyone who has a disability, long term health condition, their carers, family, friends and professionals living in Mansfield and the surrounding areas, the only prerequisite would be the desire to sing.

Claire Staples, Community Support Worker said “The project will provide an opportunity for isolated and vulnerable members of the community to come together and unite through the medium of music. Singing bonds people together, exercises a range of muscles and makes you feel happy. People can feel very isolated and singing is an excellent way to combat that and create a positive and inclusive community”

If you are looking for a fun feel-good, stress busting affordable activity come along and join us. Sessions will be weekly and cost just £1.00 and include an unlimited supply of tea coffee and biscuits. We may also be able to support participants with transport in certain circumstances. To find out more and to register your interest contact Claire on 01623 625 891

People’s Postcode Lottery is a charity lottery, where players play with their postcodes to win cash prizes while raising money for good causes. As a charity lottery, 50p from every £2 ticket goes to support charities and good causes across England, Scotland and Wales, including People’s Postcode Trust. People’s Postcode Lottery believes in supporting local communities so the money raised stays local to players.


To find out more about applying for People’s Postcode Trust funding and the projects which the Trust supports visit .

 If you’d like to be in with a chance to win cash prizes while supporting local good causes, sign up for People’s Postcode Lottery at, or call 0808 10-9-8-7-6-5.

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