Board of Trustees and Staff
Board of Trustee’s and Staff
Disability Nottinghamshire is a registered Charity and Company Registered in the UK. The organisation has an elected board of trustees that oversee the strategic aims and objectives of the Charity in accordance with its constitution and memorandum & articles. The companies governance is detailed in the articles of association. The board is user led and a minimum of 75% have a disability or care for someone. They are supported by a team of volunteers and staff.
Chair – Mrs Lorna Carter
Lorna has overall responsibility for the charity. Ensuring that the charity delivers its aims and objectives, and is financially sustainable. Lorna has a wealth of experience in the voluntary, private and public sector. Her dedication, commitment and drive is second to none but is always mindful to remind people that she is also a volunteer.
Phone: 01623 658 060
Vice Chair – Mrs Pauline Kenton-Batt
Pauline supports Lorna in her role as vice-chair. Pauline also takes on a more public role, getting involved in publicity, events, consultation and meetings. She was part of a group tasked with developing personalisation (direct payments, personal budgets etc) in Nottinghamshire and brought many invaluable insights into what a good system and process would look like. She also appeared on a DVD helping to explain to others what personal budgets mean and how you can use them.
Phone: 01623 658 060
Treasurer – Mrs Irene Garratt
Other board members:
- Christine Mitchell
- Tim Holloway
- Michele Baird
- Paul Stafford
- Chris Townhill
- Pamela Annable – Charity Manager
- Jake Whitbread – IT, Social Media and Communications Officer
- Ivan Smith – Disability and Welfare Rights Advisor
- Dawn Undy – Disability and Welfare Rights Advisor
- Bev Weston – Partnership and Community Development
- Alison Parnell – Trainee Welfare Benefits Advisor and Trainee Social Engagement Worker
- Michelle – Volunteer Advisor
- Gary – Volunteer Trainer and Mentor/Outreach/Advisor
- Christine Mitchell – Volunteer Advisor
- Lorna Carter – Operations Volunteer, Bid Writer, Befriender
- Chris – Volunteer Advisor
- Maureen – Befriender
- Linda – Befriender
- Broni – Befriender
- Angela – Outreach
- Brenda – Outreach
- Jill – Outreach
- Keith – Outreach
- Shirley – Outreach
- Simon – Choir Piano Player